Friday, July 30, 2010

new life!

okay.. sekarg dah habis matrix.. bubye matrik perlis!!..
i have a greet greet moment lahh!!
haha ok now...whats next?? huhu..
perhh.. mmg laa mula2 tu mcm.. I CANT GO MAN!
huhu atlast ok! hee.. tengs kwn2 baru perak!.
bess lah korg!
for those y dah tolong ak..dr segi emosi.. tengs yaw!!..

btw.. adoi!!!!! 1st klass lg dah dpt assgment!..
mcm2.. till now!sigh!
okay fatin. now u r degree student!. so...
DONT PLAY2 HAA*mama said*

okies!! ;D


Sunday, July 25, 2010

honestly in my personal

tears begin to flood my face like a cup left under a 
running faucet well after the water has reached the rim,
my heart leaping to my throat,
getting caught,
my throat contracting around the emotions that threaten
to leap up & out of my lips,
my stomach
my hands quiver as I reach up to blot the tiny teardrops,
leaving footprints down my cheeks.
the path that awaits me
suddenly seems like a pilgrimage,
one foot,
next foot,
I see you.
(I hear her.)
you smile.
I smile.
(she leaves.)
you ask how I am.
(I lie.)
I reply that I'm fine
(even though my heart has just crept up into my mouth & is jumping up and down on my tongue like an Olympic diver waiting to hit the water).
I want to say that I miss you,
let you know that every moment I'm awake I think of you.
I want you to know that I miss your arms,
your smile,
your lips.
I want you to know that
(I'm incomplete)
my body hurts,
my soul bleeds.
I ask how you are
(hoping against all hope that you'll tell me what I want to hear)
you reply,
(your answer not including that you miss me, that you miss my arms, my lips, my touch).
my eyes attempt to strip you down to your soul
(searching for what I once knew so well).
they get lost,
(but find their way back to reality when they graze over the [ever-fading] hickey, just about the collar of the shirt she bought you).
my heart leaps off the end of my tongue,
wanting you to see the way you've hurt me
wanting you to hurt the same way.
it falls to the ground.
(she calls you.)
you hastily say good-bye,
(as you trot over to her)
my vulnerable, fallen heart.
(not even pausing long enough to scrape it off the bottom of your shoe, like a disgarded piece of gum.)
she wraps her arms around your neck,
brings her lips to yours...
(your ears still turn red.)
people pass, as if I don't even exist.
(I want to cry, scream, shout.)
I want someone to find my heart,
bring it back,
piece it together.
I turn away,
hoping that one day it won't hurt
(as much)
and hoping that I will again be able to call you
and have you come over to me,
be able to buy you shirts that match your eyes,
(and leave the telltale hickey just above the collar)
and will still be able to make your ears turn red from the friction of our lips.
I walk away,
knowing my heart will not follow.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

kawan!! ak rindu kau!

okay koarng!! aku rindu korang!
huhu lama gilaa tak berjumpaa..
korng syess ak rndu..
tiba2 saje nak nyanyi lagu TINGGAL KENAGAN..
hushh!! JGn meREPEK!!.. suara kau tak sedap lah FATIN KHUSAINI OI!!.
okay! lets start! i really.. really really miss...
ima.. org ygkecil molek.. sgt seronok bila berGOSIP!.. haha KAU LUCAH!
sheda..sheeda..sheedaa.. haha org y selalu kne buli ngun ak.. seronok mmbulinya.. kerna die tak balas balk!:) haha *sorry sheda* haha
anaaaaa.. haha aknk weng ngun kau lahh..*RAJA GELAK SETAN * again.. bila mau trn kl?? ak tggu:)
yana.. oh my best roomate ever!.. rndu nk dgr ko timang abg Domei kau lah.. lembek lembek lembek..
iwan.. haishh siapakah?? ni boyf yana laa apa lagii,*pokok kelapa kn kn kn?* haha
tasha.. oh my driver!! next station plzz. hee rindu kau!
aidil.. pelakon.. pnyanyi.. atau.. PEROGOL BERSIRI..??haha sorry dil..
ummuuu.. haha madah2 nyaa.. tetap dihati:)) haha rinduuuu
mas!.. chan chan!! hee.. neverforget this.. ever okay!
hami farhan juga tidak lupaa..! *lgu jiwng trbaru ada??* hee
:) cheers!! klu lah dpt jumpakk korg!:))


Monday, July 19, 2010

on your mark.. get set n n n n.. GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yess!!.. now i have my own blog.. hahha
well.. bru je nk berjinak2 buat bende ni..
* lmbat gilaa.. rase ketnggaln jee..*
haha pape pon tak kesah laa..
asal kn ak PUAS!!!..
so.. apa lagi.. kat sni la kot..
diantara aku akn lepaskn semua geram2 aku..
haha.. btw sila beri tunjuk ajr klu saya buat silap yea.. haha gilaa :D
well.. tggu lah cerita setrusnya yaw!!

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